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Determine Linkable Audience

Reading Time: < 1 minutes A linkable audience is a group of people, organized by interest, profession, or psychographics, that…

Written by Joe Robison
Last updated 4 years ago

Reading Time: < 1 minutes

A linkable audience is a group of people, organized by interest, profession, or psychographics, that often shares resources and links on their website. You can provide value to them by pitching your content to them, and earn value back in the form of links and mentions.

The most obvious form of linkable audiences are journalist or bloggers constantly publishing new articles on a specific subject or beat.

Non-obvious linkable audiences can be even more valuable for some industries where it’s hard to get covered by digital media. Companies in these industries should seek out curators of resource pages and other online material that stays updated and is valuable for readers and companies alike.

Huge hat tip to Citation Labs for creating the canonical resource on this concept.

Some of these highly linkable audiences include:

  • Teachers
  • Caregivers
  • Parents
  • Senior citizens
  • Veterans
  • Health conditions sufferers
  • Job Seekers
  • The Unemployed
  • Workers in the Non-Profit sector (people curing societal ills such as homelessness, poverty, abuse)
  • Members of any underserved communities (immigrants, people with disabilities, etc.)
  • Local community
  • Students

From Citation Labs

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